Case Management System (CMS) Malawi

Case Management System (CMS) Malawi

In 2018, Stream House worked on a UK government funded project to evaluate the CMS landscape of the Malawian Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP)’s office and the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA). Our experts provided recommendations for how automated systems can be instituted to undertake case work more systematically and bring in efficiencies…

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Pay no Bribe (PNB)

Pay no Bribe (PNB)

A multi-disciplinary team of Stream House experts has been supporting the development and implementation of the Pay No Bribe (PNB) initiative in Sierra Leone since 2016. The PNB platform is a reporting mechanism for citizens to anonymously report incidents of petty corruption and bribery. PNB is designed to collect real time evidence on bribery and…

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Trade Route Incident Management System (TRIMS)

Trade Route Incident Management System (TRIMS)

TRIMS is a crowd-sourced facility for traders and general citizens to send anonymous, structured text (SMS) messages to a public website to report non-tariff barriers encountered such as artificial check points, bribery solicitations and other forms of harassment leading to delays and increasing the cost of essential goods such as perishable food items, agricultural goods…

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